A classic blend of vanilla and Earl Grey tea, these buttery and tender shortbread cookies will surely brighten your holiday cookie platter. Simple to put together with a lightly sweet and creamy glaze that perfectly complements the citrus notes of Earl Grey tea, these cookies will soon become a welcome addition to your holiday (or year round!) baking repertoire.

Beat together the butter and icing sugar with a hand mixer in a large bowl until creamy. Add the vanilla bean paste and salt, mix to combine.
Sift together the flour and cornstarch in a medium bowl. Whisk in the tea. Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture and mix just until combined.
Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and press into a ½-inch thick disc. Transfer the dough to the fridge for 15 minutes.

Heat oven to 325°F. Lightly dust your work surface with flour and roll the dough to a scant ¼-inch thick.

Cut the dough into 2-inch rounds, gently rerolling the scraps up to two times. Place the dough onto parchment lined sheets and chill in the fridge for 10 minutes.

Bake in batches for about 20 minutes, until edges begin to brown lightly. Cool on the cookie sheet for two minutes before transferring the cookies to a wire cooling rack to cool completely.

Once cooled, whisk together the icing sugar, milk and vanilla bean paste. Dip or spread the cookies evenly with the glaze and set aside.

Allow glaze to harden before serving.